is given for service to the Barony. Examples of service to the Barony include but are not limited to: autocrating, kitchen work, tollner, setup or clean up at an event, field or court heraldry, holding an office, camp setup, sharing of the arts or sciences through cooking, teaching, or sharing of marshaling, teaching a martial art, provision or teaching of music or dance, and encouraging or assisting new members.
The Order of the Broche
shall recognize accomplishments in the gentle arts within the Barony. Examples of the gentle arts include effort in cooking, brewing, sewing, needlework, lace-making, woodworking, dance, music, storytelling, metalworking, jewelry-making, spinning, weaving, etc.
The Order of the Black Talon
shall recognize accomplishments in the martial arts within the Barony.
Examples of the martial arts include effort in fighting, fencing, archery,
thrown weapons, siege weaponry, and combat archery.
The Raven’s Egg is given at the whim of the Baron and/or Baroness. It is a repeatable, non-precedence-bearing token presented by the Baron and/or Baroness. Recommendations for recipients of the award are to be given to the Baron and/or Baroness and may be made by anyone.
(The official description of the Raven’s Egg is extremely vague. It may be used to acknowledge anything from a single notable contribution by a gentle, to many individual acts that indicate a tendency that may not be sufficient for other awards. This can also be used for years of continued service done by someone who already carries all Baronial awards.)
The Benefactor of the Barony is given at the discretion of the Baron and/or Baroness to non-Barony or non-SCA individuals for support of the Barony and its activities. Examples can include (but are not limited to) the owner of a site what has gone above and beyond in allowing the Barony to use that site for events. The Benefactor is a one-time, non-precedence bearing honor.
Award of Muninn – Given as a one-time, NON-precedence-bearing award in recognition of long-term dedication to the Barony. Award given at the pleasure of the Baronage based upon Their observations as well as recommendations from the populace.
‘Long-term dedication to the Barony’ is intended to mean deeds embodying the industriousness of Thescorre for decades. Examples include – significant involvement in the shaping of Thescorre for the better, relentless support & promotion of Thescorre activities, constant beneficial guidance for newcomers, copious service in various capacities such as Barony officer, autocrat, guildmaster/mistress, or ceaselessly volunteering with kitchen, troll, marshalling, teaching, etc., etc.
Award of Huginn – Given as a non-precedence bearing award in recognition of the individual exhibiting the most exceptional, consistent, courteous bearing to enhance the medieval ambiance and pageantry of local SCA activity. Given at the pleasure of the Baronage based upon Their observations as well as recommendations of the populace.
Examples of courteous bearing include – proper use of titles, respectful gestures, kind speech & behavior, polite conduct, good manners, etc.
**Please Note – that while recipients are mostly residents of the Barony, recommendations may include individuals who do not reside within our borders, but who have frequently contributed to the Barony or our populace.