936 Exchange St
November Market Day
It’s Market Day in the Barony of Thescorre! A social gathering in period clothing, with arts, activities, a pot luck lunch and a Prize Tournament. This month features an Arts and Sciences Prize Tourney, a class on How to Be a Minister of the Lists with Duchess Bronwyn, Hand Sewing 101: Scroll Cases, maybe some Drumming and Dancing! Come socialize for an hour or stay all day! Bring a dish to share for our pot luck lunch -home made or store bought, please provide an ingredient list and plan to take your left overs home. (There is a refrigerator in the hall but no kitchen facilities.)
Prize Tourney Entrants should bring their SCA period Art or Science Project made (or learned) within the last year, and an index card briefly describing said art. Judging will be by popular vote beginning at noon. Everyone gets a vote!
Do you enjoy watching Fencing and Armored Combat Fighting? Come learn how to be a Minister of the Lists with Duchess Bronwyn! She will discuss the various Tournament styles commonly seen at events, teach you how to keep track of who fights who next, and we might play a few rounds of Rock, Paper, Scissors to help you fill out a bracket.
Hand Sewing 101: Scroll Cases: Matilda will have materials & supplies available for up to 8 people to brush up on their hand sewing skills and make a Scroll Case during the day that, once completed, will be given out during a future Baronial Court, thus allowing award recipients to safely transport their new scrolls home. One on one instruction provided, if needed – no experience necessary!
Have SCA stuff cluttering your house/garage which you no longer use? Did you know you can reserve space for a Sell or Swap table at Market Day? If you are interested in holding a mini-garage sale of SCA related items you no longer need/want and would like to redistribute for free or sell for cash, please contact Matilda to reserve the table space in advance.