Business Meeting

December 17, 2024 @ 6:30 pm – 8:30 pm
Thescorre Seneschal

Barony Business Meetings


**Special Note – The majority of our meetings are hybrid. The Zoom room will be open starting at 6:45pm for people who would like to connect early to check their connection or who would like to have some time to chat before the meeting. Meeting starts at 7pm. We will be kept to an 8:30pm ending time, however. Thank you!**

Want to know what’s going on in your Barony? Join our Barony Business Meeting (via Zoom or in-parson) each third Tuesday of the month. We discuss what is happening now, what plans we have for events that are coming up, and what we would like to do in the future. We also ask for volunteers to help out at upcoming events, talk about new projects, etc. So if you have time each third Tuesday, we would love to hear from you and see your face. This crazy new world is a lot less lonely with all of you in it. So let’s get together! Even if you’re new, we’d love to see you/meet you! So stop in (in-person or online) to the meeting and say hello.

Business Meetings are held at local libraries and events spaces throughout the Rochester area. Notification of where the next meeting will be held will appear on FB and on our mail list. If you wish to join the email list, please click HERE and fill out the form. Thank you!